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Congregation Passes Resolution Supporting Plano ERO

The congregation of Community UU Church overwhelmingly passed the following resolution supporting the city of Plano Equal Rights Ordinance during a Special Congregational Meeting held on February 8, 2015:


We, the members of Community Unitarian Universalist Church of Plano, as people of faith who believe that every human being has inherent worth and dignity, resolve to support the City of Plano in its passage and enforcement of the Equal Rights Ordinance (ERO).

We believe that Plano can only thrive and prosper when all people, regardless of ethnicity, religion, disability status, military/veteran status, genetic information, sexual orientation or gender identity can be confident of having the same rights with regard to public accommodations, employment and employment practices and housing practices under the law. Both conscience and rationality demand that we afford the equal protection of the law to everyone.

We applaud the principled, conscientious, and courageous stand for justice that the Plano city leadership has shown in the initial passage of the ERO. We urge every citizen of Plano to vote to uphold the ERO if/when it appears on the election ballot in May 2015.

Therefore, as members of this community of faith, we pledge our hearts, hands, talents and voices to support the Equal Rights Ordinance and those who defend both the ordinance and the people it protects."

For text of the Plano Equal Rights Ordinance, follow link to "Ordinance No. 2014-12-7" in the Plano Municipal Code & Ordinances, December 2014.

For more information about the ordinance, see the Plano Equal Rights Ordinance page (including FAQ's) at:

For more information, background and steps you can take, see LINK.

For information about the Community UU Church hosted Press Conference on Monday, February 9th, see LINK.

For more information email

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