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Fall Campout 2019 Reservation Form

Yes! I/we would like to join in the fun at Tyler State Park the weekend of October 18-20, 2019.

*=required field

Adult Name(s):*
Best Telephone:*
Best Email Address:*

(other congregation):
Number of Adults:
Number of Children:
Child(ren)'s Age(s)
Child(ren)'s Name(s)
Shelter needed for:


Note: Per TPWD policy, no more than 8 people may share a shelter space. Shelters are screened in, 12' by 16', on a slab, with electricity, water spigot, grill, and fire pit. Cost for shelters is $60. If only needed for one night and another family uses on the other night, $30 will be refunded to you.

Chuck Wagon breakfast needed for: (enter number)
Number for Saturday breakfast (adult):*
Number for Saturday breakfast (child/youth):*
Number for Sunday breakfast (adult):*
Number for Sunday breakfast (child/youth):*

Chuck Wagon breakfast includes your choice of bacon, sausage, home fries, pancakes, French toast, white/wheat toast, 24-hour beverage bar, and cooked-to-order eggs or omelets, all for the price of $3.00 per meal.


Calculate your payment from the above information.  You can pay by Credit or Debit card or EFT authorization by clicking on the link that comes with your acknowledgment email.  If you prefer, you can write a check payable to Community UU Church (putting Outdoor Adventure in memo line) and mail to:

Community UU Church
Attn: Outdoor Adventure
2875 East Parker Road
Plano TX  75074-7503

Reservations are accepted up to one week prior, as long as spaces are still available. Please submit your payment as soon as possible after you have registered in order to hold your spot.

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