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Texas UU Justice Ministry - Legislative Action Day - 2017

February 15, 2017 was a red letter day for UU's in Texas.

Eight representatives from Community UU Church joined over 250 other UU's in Austin for the Texas Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry Legislative Action Day. We visited our state Senators and Representatives in the capital to present our stance on 3 major issues of the day:

  • Reproductive Justice
  • Immigration/Refugee Justice
  • Income Inequality/Economic Justice

Using our Position Statement and Agenda as a guide, we were given the opportunity to express our views based on our UU principles and made a stong impression on our legislators.

Our church representatives:

IMG_2594a.JPGTop row: Kathy Smith, Jon Reinke-Walter, Gene Verinder,
Dick Hildenbrand, Bob Martin, unidentified
Bottom row: Pam Reinke-Walter, Tracey Uddin 

Pictures of the assemblage:

IMG_2579a.JPG   IMG_2580a.JPG

IMG_2590a.JPG   IMG_2591a.JPG

And in the middle of the sing-along in the atrium, the sun made an appearance, making it seem as if we were being blessed from above, which we were:


It was a great day - to be repeated again in 2 years.

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